Episode 1: Welcome to Hormone Heaven

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In this inaugural episode of 'Hormone Heaven,' Dr. Angel, a thyroid and perimenopause expert with 15 years of experience, introduces her micropod designed for women seeking natural solutions for hormonal imbalances.

She explains her qualifications, including a background in holistic nutrition and iridology, and shares her personal journey from being a burned-out educator to becoming a naturopath.

Dr. Angel outlines her mission to help women achieve optimal thyroid function through a holistic approach that considers the entire hormone system.

She describes the format of the micropod, emphasizing quick, actionable tips, and teases an upcoming episode on hormone hierarchy.

The episode concludes with a success story of a client named 'Lauren,' illustrating the potential for significant improvement with diet, lifestyle changes, and supplements.

00:00 Welcome to Hormone Heaven

00:33 My Mission and Qualifications

01:46 Personal Journey to Natural Healing

02:37 Understanding Iridology and Continuous Learning

04:03 Hormone Hierarchy and Client Success Story

06:17 Micropod Format and Guest Invitations

07:28 Subscription and Final Thoughts


 Hi, welcome to hormone heaven. This is Dr. Angel. I am a thyroid and perimenopause expert with 15 years experience. This podcast is for women who are struggling with thyroid or perimenopause and are looking for natural solutions. It's a micropod because I like to give quick bite size information that you can implement immediately into your daily life.

Please keep in mind, I'm a doctor, but I'm not your doctor. So please check with your healthcare provider before beginning or ending any supplements or medications. Go ahead and click follow so you can be updated every time there is a new episode. So let's get started. In today's episode, I'm going to talk about why I started this podcast because I am on a mission.

I'm on a mission to help women balance their thyroid naturally. And that requires balancing the whole hormone system, not just the thyroid. And so it. It's a little bit more nuanced than you would originally think, but why am I qualified to talk about this? Well, I've been doing it for 15 years and I've seen 7, 000 clients in those, that time frame.

And basically what I've seen is women walking in and telling me that they're tired, they can't lose weight, their hair is falling out, and yet their doctor looked at their blood work and said nothing was wrong. So, I'm like, women are suffering and they need help. And What's happening is that conventional doctors are looking for disease.

That's what they're supposed to do. And so when they're looking at that blood work, which is insufficient, by the way, they should be looking at more markers than they are. What they're looking at is, are you in a disease state? Not is your thyroid in an optimal, optimal state? I can't talk today. So that's what we're looking at.

So when we know that. We can look at it a different way and say, well, no, the thyroid is not working optimally. We can really work on, helping you feel better. So, how did I get here? How did I start doing this? Well, I was a burned out educator and one day literally in the classroom, I passed out, went to the doctor.

The doctor told me I had insulin resistance, something was going on my thyroid, something was going on my sex hormones. My father happens to be a naturopath and I went to him as well. And he told me that I was having adrenal issues and that was actually the root cause of my problem. And he was absolutely right.

And so what happened was that I,, said, I want to do this too. I want to help other people. So I went back to school. I have a undergrad in business marketing and a, master's in education. So I went back and got an master's in holistic nutrition, which is probably my favorite degree of everything I've done.

I love food. So learning about nutrition was. Awesome. And then I got my traditional naturopath, doctorate degree. And after that, if you know me locally, you know that I also do iridology, which I have a certificate in. Iridology, by the way, is the study of the iris. So there are 28, 000 nerve endings that come into the eye.

And so anything that hits the nerve, I should be able to see. I can't see blood, however. So it's hard to know, if like you have high blood pressure or something like that. But what's great about iridology is it's a great first step. It really kind of tells us where we need to start looking first, what we need to take care of first.

So that's why I've loved using iridology all these years, as one of my, methods in my, in my work. Practice. And then, I've also done tons of continuing ed after, you know, every year we're required to do continuing ed. I would do it even if it's not required because I just love learning. I am one of those people who, you see walking around your neighborhood with the earbuds on and I am listening to them.

I'm listening to podcasts in two times the speed so that I can really get more information in than I possibly can imagine. And I do listen sometimes to fun stuff, but most of the time I'm listening to learn because I want to learn how to do things, learn how to help y'all. That is just something I feel like it's my calling to do.

But my fun podcast I listen to, I have a couple of them, but my probably one you may relate to is 90210mygod. And that's on the, based on the TV series. They're doing a rewatch of it, so I always make sure I get to listen to that every week before I listen to my, stuff I have to listen to for work.

So anyway, that's kind of about me and what my learning and why I'm here and what's happening with all that. And I kind of just wanted to real quickly next, episode, I'm really going to be talking about this more, but I want to talk about just the, hormone, Hierarchy. And that's kind of how I got better and how the girl I'm fixing to tell you about my client, Lauren, who's not a real name, but I'm going to tell you about her in a second.

And so basically, our hormones are intricately connected, and we have to balance them in a certain way in order for them to work correctly. And so when I said earlier that my father, who's a naturopath, said, Said, Hey, you need to work on your adrenals. That's the ones that produce cortisol. That's our energy hormone.

That was, because that's the, that's the root hormone. We gotta get that one fixed before any of the others can. And then we work on insulin and then we work on thyroid, and then we work on sex hormones. So that's kind of how that'll works. Episode two, I'm gonna go into that more in more deep, level, and so you'll really appreciate it.

It's really interesting. But it's also gonna be quick, and we're gonna talk about that in a second here. But I wanna tell you about. How it doesn't take overnight to get better, but you can get better quickly. So I have this client and I'm gonna call her Lauren. That's not her name. We're going to protect her identity.

When she came to me, what I saw was that she just needed some tweaks. What she saw was that she was tired and she needed to lose some weight and she was having some period issues. Her cycles were not where she wanted them to be. And for healthy reasons, obviously. So it's been a few months since I've seen her three months and she has sent more than 20 people to me since I've seen her because she is feeling so much better.

Her friends tell me how much she has lost weight, how she's feeling great. She can't quit talking about it. So this is the kind of things that she was feeling horrible, but we were able to work with diet, lifestyle, and supplements. to really getting her feeling better. And so that is my goal. I usually say give me about a week to get you some more energy.

Give me about three months to get that thyroid fixed. And then give me about six months to truly change your habits so that you can stay balanced and not have to go on that roller coaster of everything going up and down. So that's kind of how I work when I do things. And it takes years sometimes for other things to go through.

It took me years, but. I didn't have a guide, like you will. I'm your guide for that, so it won't take you years to do that. So, the format of this micropod, and it's a micropod, that means it's not going to be a really long one, , for me what a micropod is, is that when I am, I'm when I'm doing solo episodes, they're going to be 15 minutes max, so no more than 15 minutes.

And I'm hoping that you're going to have actual tips when you leave. Now I may give, you know, 10 tips while we're talking, but I'm hoping you could take one of them and really use it. That's the goal, right? And then when I have guests,, 30 minutes max will probably be the micro pods. So they're not going to be hour long pods, hour and a half long pods.

I'm doing it for people who are busy and they want to listen to it like when they're on their way to work or when they're out for a walk, things like that. If you know someone who'd wanna be a guest or you wanna be a guest, please let me know. You can email me, you can, , get ahold of me at alternative health with angel.com or you can find me on LinkedIn.

I'm also on Instagram at Alt Health Angel, a a LT, health Angel, A-N-G-E-L. , so let me know what guests you'd like to see. . The release schedule of the pod is going to be every other week on Wednesdays. That is the plan. , and I want, you'd love for you to subscribe to the pod, 'cause the, the podcast 'cause that helps people to know more about it.

, and it helps to share your thoughts and questions and all that good stuff. So thank you so much for listening today to Hormone Heaven. Please subscribe on your favorite podcast app so you can get the podcast as soon as they're available. If you have plush questions, please go to alternative health with angel.com or check.

The show notes link in the description. And remember, do not make any changes with medications or supplements without speaking to your healthcare provider. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Thanks for listening, y'all.


Episode 3: Hormone Heaven: Cortisol at the Core


Episode 2: Hormone Heaven—The Foundations