About Dr. Angel

My journey hasn't always been in alternative health, but education has always been my thing. Growing up surrounded by newspapers (thanks to my dad who ran several), I started my career writing articles about high school events. Then, I took a leap into the education realm, earning my master's degree and teaching at a community college and later as a middle school instructor. However, when the world of Alternative Health and Functional Medicine beckoned, I knew I had found my calling.

This field offers endless research opportunities, and I absolutely thrive on research. My favorite part is diving into your symptoms and analyzing hair tissue minerals and bloodwork to create personalized paths to wellness.

Over the last 14 years, I've had the privilege of helping over 7,000 clients on their health journeys. I can't wait to extend that support to you too!

Angel Hill | Alternative Health with Angel

In my downtime, you'll find me buried in functional health books or tuning into podcasts. 😊 I also enjoy cooking, hiking, and hanging out in our "yurt" with my husband of more than 20 years. We're proud parents to a daughter pursuing an advanced degree – though not in health!

I'm excited to share more about functional health, research insights, and wellness tips with you. Let's connect and explore this exciting journey together!