By analyzing your genes, the 3x4 Blueprint pinpoints the most impactful health choices you can make

Why Take a Genetic Test?

Personalized Next Level Support

“Knowing your unique gene variations can help you design a personalized program to lower your risk of disease and increase your chances of a long, healhty life.”—Young Forever—The Secrets to Living Your Longest, Healthiest Life by Mark Hyman, M.D.

Genetics make up the baseline “code” by which your body functions. The impact of every single choice you make throughout your life is influenced by your personal genetic makeup. We test over 157 genes that can affect your metabolism, inflammation, detoxification, fitness, weight, hormones, cognition, and response to your diet, and supplements. By understanding how your unique genetics impact these key processes, you can make smarter, more personalized decisions about your health. There may even be insights you never imagined (like whether that second cup of coffee is a good idea).

How do I sign up?

1. Pay for 3x4 Genetics and book a telehealth appointment here. You want to make the appointment at least SIX weeks out to allow results to be received and Angel the opportunity to review results. Appointments can be moved up to 24 hours before the original appointment. DO NOT CANCEL YOUR APPOINTMENT TO RESCHEDULE. If you do not see how to reschedule appt, please contact Angel at (Please note: Refunds are not available after the kit has been ordered).

2. 3x4 Genetics will send you your kit with detailed instructions. Don’t worry, nothing hurts, it's just a cheek swab. To complete the kit, you will need Angel’s code: AHIL001 (that’s zeros)

3. On the day of the appointment, speak with Angel via telehealth for interpretation and an action plan.

What will I learn from my 3x4 Genetics Test?

3x4 Genetics test is designed to provide clear insights and recommendations about areas of health that are most important to you.

Nutrient Needs

  • What are your body’s unique needs and how do you respond to certain foods?

  • How well do you tolerate fat and carbs?

  • What’s your Vitamin D needs? Do you require methylated B vitamins?

  • Do you require extra antioxidants and Omega-3 fats compared to others?

  • Should you limit gluten, salt, or caffeine?

Fitness Strengths

  • What type of exercise will your body respond best to?

  • How can you train smarter in alignment with your genes, for better performance, faster recovery, and fewer injuries?

Proactive Prevention

  • Is your body more prone to high blood pressure, high blood sugar, or high cholesterol?

  • How can you support your cardiovascular system and your immune system for more resilience as you age?

  • We also look at processes like inflammation, detoxification, methylation and more.

Ideal Weight

  • Why does your body resist weight loss and how can you manage your weight in a healthy way that is personalized to your unique body?

Stress Strategies

  • How does your life stress affect your brain health, your hormones, your sleep quality, and your overall wellness?

  • More importantly, what can you do about it?

    3x4 Sample Blueprint

    3x4 Brochure

    $450 includes:

  • Personalized 3x4 Genetic Blueprint

  • Interpretation and evaluation of your specific genes

  • 30-minute consult with Angel Hill, DNM, M.Ed., and Certified 3x4 trainer (either in-person or telehealth—telephone call or Zoom may be used)

  • Written Action Plan with recommendations for goals, foods, supplements, and lifestyle hacks

    3x4 Genetics Blueprint gives insight into these major health and performance areas:

    Weight Balance

    • Appetite/Satiety/Intake

    • Adipogenesis

    • Energy Expenditure

    • Exercise Response

    • Glucose and Insulin

    • Hormone Balance

    • Pro-Inflammatory Fat

    Heart Health

    • Blood Pressure

    • Blood Clotting

    • Cholesterol

    • Glucose & Insulin

    • Iron Overload

    • Training Response

    • Vascular Health

    Blood Sugar Regulation

    • Glucose & Insulin

    • Hormone Balance

    Brain Health

    • Glucose & Insulin

    • Histamine Overload

    • Hormone Balance

    • Memory & Brain Health

    • Mood & Behavior

    Fitness & Tissue Health

    • Bone Health

    • Collagen & Joints

    • Endurance

    • Injury

    • Power

    • Recovery

    • Training Response

    • Vascular Health

    Hormone Health

    • Glucose & Insulin

    • Histamine Overload

    • Hormone Balance

    “3x4 Genetics are the panels I use most often with my patients as the first step in personalizing their health plans.”—Young Forever—The Secrets to Living Your Longest, Healthiest Life by Mark Hyman, M.D.